28 February 2016

How To Unclog Ears

A clogged ear is very uncomfortable. The most common cause is the accumulation of earwax. This can be the result of sinusitis, colds, coughs, bacterial infections, changes in air pressure during take off and landing of aircraft, etc. Water can also get into the ears while taking a bath or swimming. Most of the time, the clogged ear can be remedied at home or on the spot. 

For clogging due to built-up earwax, sit back in a chair. While holding the ears, put a few drops of very warm olive oil in the affected ear, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, lie on your side and allow the oil to drain. 

The water flush is done using a syringe filled with lukewarm natural spring water. Tilt your head so that the affected ear is facing up and then slowly inject the water into it. While in this position, pinch your earlobe so that the ear canal is open and the water can drip in. This technique should be done with a lot of care because too much pressure when injecting the water into the ear may cause damage to the ear drum.  While injecting the water into the ear, some of the clogged wax will start to unclog immediately. However, it is advised that you give this process a few more minutes so that all the wax is softened and easy to wipe out. To remove the water and the unclogged wax, tilt your head so that the affected ear is facing down and wipe it off with a clean cotton pad.

If in flight, chewing is one known effective treatment for atmospheric pressure changes during flight. Chew anything and swallow: it typically works. 

Another solution for atmospheric pressure clogging, is to pinch the nostrils and blow very hard with the mouth closed. The ears should pop right open. 

To avoid in-flight clogging, earplugs are also very useful. Most times these can be purchased at the airport but you'll find better value if you get them beforehand. These are also great to use during swimming.


Avoiding ear clog altogether is the best remedy. This is easy with frequent cleaning of the ears which removes earwax regularly. Another great tip is to avoid getting water into the ears, but if you do, wipe and dry it off right away. 

Never use pins, barrettes and similar products to clean the ears. 

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