4 March 2016

12 Reasons To Eat Amaranth

1. It Was An Aztec Staple: 

Amaranth was a key part of the diets of the pre-Columbian Aztecs, and it was used not just for food but also as part of their religious ceremonies. Sadly, when Cortez and the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the 16th century, amaranth crops were burned and its use forbidden. Fortunately, the plant was never quite eliminated.
2. It’s Actually A Seed: 
Like quinoa, amaranth is not technically a grain but is the seed of the Callaloo plant. One plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds.
3. Amaranth Is Gluten-Free: 
Amaranth doesn’t contain any gluten, which makes it a great choice for people who are celiac or gluten intolerant and an excellent way to boost the nutritional power of gluten-free recipes.

4. The Plant Is Hardy: 
Amaranth prefers a high elevation, but can grow at almost any elevation in temperate climates if it has moist, loose soil with good drainage. It can also survive in low-water conditions once the plants have been established.
5. You Can Eat Other Parts Of The Plant: 
Amaranth seeds may be the best-known part of the plant, which has more than 60 different species, but the leaves (callaloo greens) are also edible. They’re commonly used in Asian and Caribbean cuisines.

6. It’s A Source Of Key Minerals: 
Amaranth contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and a whopping 82 percent for iron.
7. Humans Have Eaten It For Millennia: 
It’s estimated that amaranth was first domesticated 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, which means we’ve been eating it for a very long time. Considering how easily and quickly it grows, that makes sense!
8. Amaranth Can Be Popped: 
Popped amaranth is used in Mexico as a topping for toast, among other things. It looks like tiny popcorn kernels and has a nutty taste, and you can even do it yourself at home.

9. It Grows Around The World: 
Though amaranth is considered a native plant of Peru, it is now grown around the world in countries including China, Russia, Thailand, Nigeria, and Mexico. It has also become a part of the cuisines of parts of India, Nepal, and the African continent. There are even farmers growing it in parts of the United States, including Nebraska and North Dakota.
10. Amaranth Is Good For Your Heart: 
Several studies have shown that amaranth could have cholesterol-lowering potential. For example, in 1996 an American study found that the oil found in amaranth lowers total and LDL cholesterol in chickens. Another published in 2003, out of Guelph, showed that amaranth has phytosterols, which have cholesterol-cutting properties.
11. It’s A Great Breakfast Option: 
Amaranth’s tiny grains take on a porridge-like texture when cooked, making it a great option for your first meal of the day. In fact, amaranth porridge is a traditional breakfast in India, Peru, Mexico, and Nepal.
12. And It Can Help Keep You Regular: 
Among its other impressive nutritional stats, amaranth is also a source of fibre with 13 grams of dietary fibre per uncooked cup compared to just 2 grams for the same amount of long-grain white rice.
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